سال انتخابات پر سر و صدا بود. پس از ترور مارتین لوتر کینگ رهبر جنبش حقوق مدنی، شورشهای نژادی پس از آن در سراسر کشور، ترور نامزد دموکرات ریاست جمهوری رابرت اف کندی و مخالفت گسترده با جنگ ویتنام در سراسر دانشگاههای مشخص شده بود. محبوبیت حزب دموکرات رئیس جمهور لیندون بی. جانسون که یک دوره چهار ساله رابه پایان رسانده بود، کاهش یافته است.
↑Although he was born in California and he served as a U.S. Senator from California, in 1968 Richard Nixon's official state of residence was New York, because he moved there to practice law after his defeat in the 1962 California gubernatorial election. During his first term as president, Nixon re-established his residency in California. Consequently, most reliable reference books list Nixon's home state as New York in the 1968 election and his home state as California in the 1972 (and 1960) election.